Do you have the habit of texting while being behind the wheels? Well if you do, then get ready to see a picture of yourself getting caught red-handed on the same old billboard that you pass-by daily. Well this is what is happening in San Francisco. In order to raise the level of safety and street awareness, Brian Singer, a vigilante and graphic artist from San Francisco has waged a war against the all-too-common habit of people, which is texting while driving.
In his fight against habit of people, of getting distracted by their phones and losing the sense of driving, he already made a post named “Texting While In Traffic” on his blog in which he actually posted the pictures of motorists who have this habit.
But now he is taking more extreme measures to stop motorists and drivers from texting. He has rented 11 billboards across the San Francisco highways, streets, and road, and is plastering the photos of people who get involved in this risky act. As the billboards are pretty big, so they are capturing enough attention of people.
But Singe says that it is not to publicly shame someone, rather it is for raising the awareness on the road. People often make the mistake or have the habit of checking their phones while they are driving, this risks not only their life but other’s too.
This is what Singer said, “Day after day, I’d look out the window, and I was really surprised at how many people are driving distracted.”
“Phones in hand, looking down, or sometimes putting on makeup or other things.” He adds.
All the photos on these billboards are either taken by Singer himself or received from fans of his blog. He says that billboards will be up until April. This is a pretty good way to convey your message to people. He can reach more number of people and the impact will be bigger.
Meanwhile according to sources, texting while driving is a bigger problem in U.S. than in other countries. It was found 31 percent of U.S. drivers have the habit of using their phones while driving, as surveyed in past 30 days.
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